Brecker Grossmith Strikes Gold at Property Division Industry Experts Awards

Brecker Grossmith Strikes Gold at Property Division Industry Experts Awards

over 8 years ago

Brecker Grossmith is pleased to announce we’ve been voted Best Investment Agency Blog 2016.

Property Division Winners Announced 2016

Congratulations to all the other Property Division Industry Experts Award Winners – see the full list here.

This is how we scored:

Investment Agency Blog 2016 Winner Brecker Grossmith Central London Property Experts
BG wins!

The winner’s prize includes an appearance on the UK’s only television channel dedicated to the world of property, airing on Sky channel 238 and serving the commercial needs of those working in and around the property industry.

Property TV on Sky

Property TV broadcasts Sarah Beeny’s Restoration Nightmare, Mad About the House, Dream Homes, Never Ever Do this at Home, The Big Flip and Urban Suburban feature alongside Property Panorama  – a weekly current affairs show hosted by Jenny Hammond and Keith Maynard.

An Estate Agency Special is being filmed with Gold Award Winners invited to share insights into the industry as well as some well-deserved coverage for us.

Stay tuned for further details.



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